Nature Baby x Modeletto
What inspired you to start Modeletto?
My mum and I founded Modeletto in the long lockdown of 2021 at a time when everyone was stuck at home looking for things to do instead of scrolling and looking at lockdown memes. We wanted to add more play and an art therapy form into people’s lives as we know how much our mental health suffered during those months. Whilst working full-time jobs, we would hustle away every night and weekend, sometimes until 2/3 am. We wanted our community to have everything they needed to make at home without any extra costs or trips to a kiln - that’s why our kits are the perfect thing for a beginner - kiln-free and fuss-free. Since then, we now both work full-time on the business and it has continued to evolve with different offerings; with wholesalers all over New Zealand, we make and sell our own handmade ceramics, host workshops for businesses and social events, and are expanding our kit range into paint by numbers.
How did your journey into ceramics begin?
I actually thought of the business idea first then bought some clay to teach myself! I fell in love with it instantly. Having some mental health issues myself, it helped me to relax my busy mind and I became so proud of myself for what I could make with my hands – it was so addictive. After hand-building at home for a couple of years, I joined a studio and started throwing on the wheel. I then started selling my pieces on our online store and with about 15 stockists around New Zealand. Since I became pregnant last year, I have tapered back the ceramic making to focus on growing other aspects of the business and my wee bub. It’s still my favourite hobby though and hope to get back into making more when our baby is a little older.
Can you share a bit about your creative journey? What techniques or styles do you find most fulfilling to work with?
I’m really inspired by colours and when I go travelling, I dream up things to make or offer in the form of a kit. Last year, in Italy, I took pictures of my favourite buildings which we then made into a paint-by-numbers kit (coming soon). I also photographed my ceramics and then fused the colourful backdrops of Italy to make more paintings. I was also inspired to make my favourite bowl by wandering around Copenhagen and drawing it sitting in a café one day.
As you anticipate motherhood, what aspect excites you the most about this new chapter in your life?
Being a little person's whole world is incredibly rewarding but it's also really hard. Go easy on yourself and practice self-compassion on a daily basis. Rather than being your own worst critic in the inevitable tough times, could you talk to yourself kindly and provide the reassurance you would naturally offer a dear friend? A little self-compassion can go a long way when it comes to changing our mindset and overall outlook on life and the research is there to back it up. This has certainly been the case for me!
What are you most proud of so far in your journey?
The community of amazing people we have following our journey. A few of our reels/TikToks have over 4 million views, it’s just wild to fathom that many people watching me make pottery at my place. It’s hard to celebrate the wins when you’re hustling away working so much, but as soon as a customer DM’s us and says what a lovely time they’ve had making with their friends or sharing their new project they are proud of, or a boyfriend says ‘thank you so much for giving me the perfect gift idea’, it just makes it all worth it and we feel so great that we are making people experience something positive.
For budding entrepreneurs eyeing the art/ceramic domain, what advice or insights would you give to starting their journey?
Collaborating with other businesses is one of my favourite parts of my job, and I would highly recommend that, as it opens you up to so many more opportunities and communities.
And... how can people connect and get in touch with you and what you do?
We would love to connect and inspire you to make pieces over on our Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest or YouTube channel You can shop with us